German Income Tax Return in English with Lohnsteuer kompakt

Lohnsteuer kompakt jetzt auch als englische-Version

As a leading provider of tax applications in foreign languages, we have launched our most comprehensive online platform, Lohnsteuer kompakt, in English. Other foreign languages will follow. This is a further step to improve our applications in functionality and usability for our users.

In line with our highest standards, both translations and customer service are provided by native speakers. This is in stark contrast to competitors who rely primarily on machine translations, e.g. on Google Translate.

Thus, now users who do not speak German (well) can complete their tax returns with award-winning Lohnsteuer kompakt. While no prior knowledge of German taxes is required, users benefit from our easy and quick to use web application. Sign up now and get an average refund in excess of 1100 Euro.

What is next?
We will add further languages soon. We are also working on other projects, e.g. the development of mobile apps and applications for other user groups and tax types. It will be exciting.

5 Kommentare zu “German Income Tax Return in English with Lohnsteuer kompakt”:

    1. Thilo Rudolph

      Hi June,

      Folgende Anlagen zur Einkommensteuererklärung stehen nicht zur Verfügung:

      • Anlage AUS – Ausländische Einkünfte
      • Anlage N-GRE – Grenzgänger in Baden-Württemberg (Arbeitsplatz in F, CH, A)
      • Anlage FW – Steuerbegünstigung zur Förderung des Wohneigentums und Vorkostenabzug (nach §10e EStG)
      • Anlage L – Einkünfte aus Land- und Forstwirtschaft
      • Anlage Forstwirtschaft – Tarifbegünstigte Einkünfte aus Holznutzungen (zu Anlage L)
      • Anlage WEIN – Nichtbuchführende Weinbaubetriebe (zu Anlage L)

      Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: Welche Einkunftsarten und Anlagen werden von Lohnsteuer kompakt 2019 unterstützt?

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      Thilo Rudolph
      Lohnsteuer kompakt

    1. Thilo Rudolph

      Hi Joshiah,

      it is best to contact your tax office directly.

      Please understand that for legal reasons we are not allowed to provide individual tax advice. For more in-depth questions, please contact a tax advisor or lawyer in tax matters in your area for binding information.

      Kind regards

      Thilo Rudolph

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