More time for the tax return 2020

Mehr Zeit für die Steuererklärung 2020
pixabay/Pexels Lizenz: Pixabay Lizenz

Good news for all taxpayers who do not want to deal with their income tax return 2020 during the holiday season. The deadline for tax return submission has been postponed from 31 July 2021 to 31 October 2021.

If the tax return is completed by a tax advisor or income tax assistance association (Lohnsteuerhilfeverein), the new submission deadline ends on 31 May 2022. The Bundestag has already approved the extended submission deadline.

The reason for the deadline extension is the burden of the Corona crisis on citizens, authorities and tax advisors.

Anyone who does not manage to submit the tax return on time despite the extension can apply for an extension of the deadline, but must provide good reasons for this.


For the year 2020, the tax office may order, in individual cases, that tax returns be filed on a date that may be before 31 May 2022.


Overview of the extended deadlines!

If you… …submit your tax
return voluntarily:
…must submit a tax return
(with a tax adviser)
For the tax year 2019 31.12.2023 31.07.2020
For the tax year 2020 31.12.2024 Changed deadlines:
02.08.2021 31.10.2021
(28.02.2022) (31.05.2022)
For the tax year 2021 31.12.2025 01.08.2022